About Me

Literary Style

I am studying my Masters in Creative Writing in the University of Limerick with Joseph O’Connor & Donal Ryan, thus my life revolves around all things literary. I write. I read. I write, and then I write reviews. Book reviews to narrow it down. You might wonder why there isn’t many really negative ones, and that would be because if I don’t like a book, I probably won’t spend the time reviewing it. I am honest in my critique and will give you the good and the bad of books I ultimately like, but here’s to positivity! Credit where credit is due, as the saying goes.

My blog, fellow worms, is a platform for all literary minds – great and small – a place for the misunderstood to have their voices heard.

How many of you refrain from offering your opinion because you are afraid of being laughed at or you’re scared to be wrong?

We shouldn’t care about sounding stupid. We should just throw what we have into the world and let that be that. So with that thought in mind, here are my ramblings; be as vocal as you wish in your response.

It is rare for us book worms to have people to speak to about the random books we pick up so please follow and offer some recommendations.



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Join in. Your opinion matters.

Let’s read together and see what we come up with!

9 thoughts on “About Me

  1. I liked your remark on not having negative reviews. I feel similarly. If I reach 1/3rd of the book and I am not sold, I just can’t keep reading it, so I wont even review it. I have wondered, though, if I should post about not being able to finish the book because I just didn’t find it intriguing. Great stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

    • For me if a start on book and find it to be not worth my time, I too don’t review. However, I try to complete the book by skipping the pages. And I make it a point to be open about it.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for stopping by Alligators and Aneurysms. I like that you keep your reviews positive. There’s enough negativity on the internet these days. Promoting good work through positivity will let the good stuff shine and the bad stuff just won’t get noticed. Keep up the good work! 🙂


  3. Hi, Darren, glad you liked some of my blogs, I hope you take a look at my books also. Tangled Roots is the best seller so far. I like you review of Jack Reacher, especially the shredded wheat reference, a good tool for those who think the sun rise comes from
    their right side in the Southern Hemisphere.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Murakami is one of my favourite authors! That man can do no wrong in my eyes. I love his diligent work out routine that he cannot give up because he thinks it will affect his work. Healthy body makes for a healthy mind, and this is prevalent in his novels!


      • So did you read his What I Talk About When I Talk About Running? That was a nice, short read. Honestly, I haven’t liked all of his novels though. I used to get really frustrated with his open endings – I felt it was cheap. But I’ve grown to appreciate his incredible imagination.

        Liked by 1 person

        • His imagination is breathtaking. Actually, now that you mention it that’s what I was most unimpressed with in 1Q84 : the ending! So disappointing, but love the language and imagery!

          Liked by 1 person

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